Exceptional sale of great wines coming mainly from a single and superb air-conditioned cellar of an amateur.
Expert : Denis Bernard
Public exhibitions :
Only by appointment at La Cave Lyon, 131 Rue Bataille, 69008 Lyon
Special conditions :
Artenchères is at your disposal for a more detailed state of conservation report, on request.
Photographic reproductions may not give an entirely accurate picture of the actual condition of a lot, in particular because the colors or shadows shown in the reproduction may differ from what would be perceived by a direct observer. The dimensions of the Lots are given as an indication, with a reasonable margin of error (less than 10%). Not all defects are visible on the photos, and the appreciation of colors may differ according to the screen.
Our auction house no longer accepts telephone bids for items valued at less than 100 euros. You always have the possibility of entrusting us with a purchase order or bidding directly on line.
The sale fees are 24 % TTC for voluntary bids (Interenchères Live + 3.6% TTC / Drouot Live + 2.16 % TTC) and 14.28 % TTC for judicial bids.
Lots preceded by an asterisk are presented at the judicial rate.
Shipping - Transport :
- Pick up directly at our office on appointment
- To mandate a third person to come to recover your purchases (thank you to communicate us the identity of the person by e-mail)
- To call upon Mail Boxes Etc : devis@mbelyon.fr or any other carrier of your choice
- Buy a Colissimo box and send it to us to ship your lot
The lots must be collected within 10 working days after the sale. Beyond that, a storage fee of 7.50 € according to the size and weight of the object will be charged.
Collection: Free of charge at the Cellar on presentation of the paid slip, delivery at a charge 15 days after the sale
Terms of payment :
Payment by credit card, bank transfer and check. Cash within the limit of 1000 € for French residents and 15000 € for foreign residents.